This spectacular and unique hike winds through one of the deepest and longest slot canyons in the world. With wavy sandstone walls and beautiful skies above, it's worth the hike!

Carpooling - 9:30 am - 2:00 pm (stop for food in Kanab)
White House Campground - 2:00 pm
Set-Up Camp - 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Eat Breakfast and Pack Camp - 7:00 am
Leave for Trailhead - 8:00 am
Wire Pass Trailhead - 9:00 am
Hike Buckskin Gulch (11.5 to confluence)
Set Camp, Eat, & Bed
Wake, Eat, & Break Camp - 8:00 am
Hike Paria Canyon (7.3 miles) - 9:00 am
Drive to Wire Pass
Dinner and Drive Home - 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Home - 9:00 pm
Entrance - Wire Pass Trailhead to Buckskin Gulch, Kanab
Exit - White House Trailhead
Activity: Hike/Backpack Wire Pass to Buckskin Gulch and exit at White House Trailhead - 21 miles. 13 miles through Buckskin Gulch slot canyon. Muddy sections with scrambles and one large boulder with a handline. This can take up to 12 hours. Camp at the confluence on the sandbars above the stream (water isn't always flowing). Hike out 8 miles the next day. Mostly river miles and the last 1-2 hours are in straight sun. Can take up to 5 hours - start early! All Trails Trip Report
Gear: Thin T-shirt, thin long-sleeve shirt, fleece, thin puffy coat, rain jacket, shorts or thin hiking pants, water shoes, running or hiking shoes, 6 L of water, water filter (can rent), 8-10 snacks, 65+ liter backpack with waistbelt, sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, first aid kit, sleeping bag (20-30 degrees - down is preferred) (can rent), sleeping pad (can rent), tent (can rent), headlamp, pj's, toiletries, dehydrated or backpacking meals, WAG bag (2 gallon ziplock bags with kitty litter (for pooping), cooking stove (No campfires), compass
Rentals (for 2 days):
- Tents (2 man - $13, 4 man - $22 BYU Outdoors Unlimited; 2 man - $14, 4 man - $18 UVU Outdoor Adventure Center)
- Sleeping bags (0 degree - $22, 30 degree - $22 BYU Outdoors Unlimited; 0 degree - $14, 30 degree - $10 UVU Outdoor Adventure Center)
- Sleeping pads (thermarest - $9 BYU Outdoors Unlimited; thermarest - $8 UVU Outdoor Adventure Center)
- Backpacks (85 liter - $12 BYU Outdoors Unlimited; 65 liter - $14 UVU Outdoor Adventure Center)
- Stove with fuel ($8 BYU Outdoors Unlimited; $8 UVU Outdoor Adventure Center)
- Mess kit ($8 BYU Outdoors Unlimited; $10 UVU Outdoor Adventure Center)
- Water Filter ($6 UVU Outdoor Adventure Center)
1. MUST have 6 L of water, as there is likely no place to refill along the way. Also pack electrolytes.
2. Lightest tent you can find and don't bother with a sleeping bag. Just use a top pad with a fleece type liner.
3. Good shoes with lots of grip to getting down and up the rock. Also, there are muddy sections where you'll want sturdy water shoes. Just clip your shoes to your pack for easy access. Also bring a rag to dry wet feet.
4. Get 2 wag bags when you pick up your permit from the ranger station.
5. Bring food that doesn't need to be cooked to avoid bringing a camp stove and fuel.
6. Sunscreen easily accessible and bring "Deep Heat" ointment for muscles.
7. Chapstick with sunscreen in it.
8. Food bag that you can hang to keep the critters away.
9. Bug spray!