Great first time fat tire biking trail. Mostly flat with some uphill.

Directions- Trailhead - American Fork Cyn, Tibble Fork Reservoir Parking Lot
Activity -
Fat Tire Bike - Tibble Fk, North Fk trail (FR085) - Head east up trail/road. Will curve to the left and head north. Take trail as far as you want as it goes many miles. Bathrooms (likely closed) about 2 miles up. NOTE - about 1 mile up you enter a gorge with some AVALANCHE danger on the right side. Be aware and check avalanche conditions prior. Great moderate uphill. E-bikes were great too!
Snowshoe - same trail
Gear - Fat tire bike, helmet, synthetic pants, synthetic T-shirt, long sleeve synthetic top, fleece, light waterproof jacket(optional), hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, gloves, camelback or regular back pack with waist belt, 1-2 Liter water, 2-4 snacks, first aid kit
Rentals - Fat Tire Bikes ($35 BYU Outdoors Unlimited; $30 UVU Outdoor Adventure Center)
Sample Itinerary -
Bike - 1-3pm