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Ice Climbing - Provo 1/23/24

Updated: Feb 5


Day One

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Ice Climbing Clinic and Training

Day Two

11:30 am - carpool

12:15 pm - Put on gear (harnesses, boots, helmets) in the parking lot (put on crampons at trailhead)

12:20 pm - 12:30 pm - hike up to climb (very short hike)

12:30 pm- 4:15 pm - instruction and climbing

4:30 - drive back home

Directions: Dirtcicle, Spanish Fk Cyn

Cost: $70 paid to 12 Fingers Adventures

  1. $20 Ice climbing boot rental (Mountain Works)

  2. $15 Ice climbing crampon rental (Mountain Works)

Activity: Ice Climbing at the Dirtcicle - hike from the parking lot (about 5 minutes to ice), set routes, climb away!

Packing List: Will be discussed at clinic - (NO COTTON) thermal top and bottom, wool socks, Snow pants (if baggy the feet you need to wear, 1) gaiters (optional - can rent BYU $3 ) OR 2) use electrical tape to peg your pants - point is to prevent large blades on ice crampons from shredding your snow pants or cause you to stumble on the rock.) Long sleeve fleece, light waterproof jacket, Gloves - 1) Thick waterproof large gloves for warmth. 2) Climbing gloves - preferred leather or waterproof material you can grip an axe well with. Snow hat/beanie that can fit under a climbing hat (no pom poms), ski goggles - (to protect your eyes you'll want eye protection) , sunscreen, camelback or regular back pack (with space remaining if you need to shove clothes in). Warm puffy thick coat for when sitting in cold for hours waiting for your turn. 2 Liters water, 3-4 snacks

Notes: There is no cell service at the climb itself, but there is service 5 minutes up the road back towards Utah County. The closest bathroom is at the Soldier Summit gas station back towards Utah County, about 12 minutes.

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