Sample Itinerary:
Day 1:
Trailhead (Henrys Fk) - 11 am
Hike up to camp (Dollar Lake area) - 4 pm
Set up camp - 5 pm
Dinner - 6 pm
Day 2:
Hike to summit - 3-4 hours
Hike back to camp - 3-4 hours
Rest at camp/dinner
Day 3 -
Hike out - 4 hours
Directions: Henry's Fk Trailhead, Uintahs
Backpack Kings Peak: 25-mile total out-and-back trail in the high Uintahs. The HIGHEST peak in Utah! Hike about 8 miles into the Dollar Lake area. Break camp. Next morning hike around 10 miles round trip to the summit - ending will be mostly boulder scrambling. Last day hike the 8 miles out and drive home. Very intense hike! Taking the Highline route is very difficult on knees and ankles but 2+ miles shorter. Going through Painter’s basin is less intense but significantly longer. 3 false peaks at the top can be demoralizing, be sure hikers are prepared for these.
Day 1
8-8.5 miles up to Dollar lake. Took us 6 hours with lots of breaks and stopping for a nap. Not steep, beautiful and plenty of water.
Day 2
10-13 miles depending on route chosen. Bring weather clothing, plenty of snacks and water. If you take the Highline trail there it is harder to find water. Recommend carrying at least 2-3L. One small snow patch but easily crossed. 12 hour day during recon.
Day 3
Packed up by 8, got to cars just before noon.
Mosquitos are out, be prepared for bugs
Nights are still cold, want warm bag and good pad
Weather is unpredictable, bring rain gear, warm clothes and hats. Rain usually comes in consistantly around 1-2 pm in the mid-late summer
Lots of places to filter water
Gear: Backpack (big enough to hold all gear with waist belt), sleeping bag (rated to 20 degrees), sleeping pad, tent, cooking stove and fuel, camping mess kit, knife, Hiking pants, thin synthetic pants (night), synthetic T-shirt, long sleeve synthetic top, long sleeve fleece, light waterproof jacket, medium down coat, thin gloves, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, 3-4 Liters water, 6-10 snacks, backpacking dinner/breakfast/2 lunches, first aid kit, hiking boots/running shoes, trekking poles (optional), water purifier
Tent (2 person) - $9 BYU Outdoor, $9 UVU Adventure Center
Sleeping bag (rated 0-20 degrees) $14 BYU Outdoors, $9 UVU Adventure Center
Sleeping pad $5-6 BYU Outdoors, $6-7 UVU Adventure Center
Cooking stove $5 BYU Outdoors, $6 UVU Adventure Center
Mess kit $5 BYU Outdoors, $4 UVU Adventure Center
Backpack (40-50L) $11 BYU Outdoor, $9 UVU Adventure Center
Water Purifier $5-6 UVU Adventure Center