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Writer's pictureEmily Hacken

Outdoor Painting - Jolley's Ranch, Hobble Creek Cyn, Mapleton 8/6/24

Great location to practice painting buildings into landscapes.

Sample Itinerary:

9:00 am meet at location

9:00 am - 12:00 pm - set up and paint

Directions: Jolly's Ranch Parkinglot, Hobble Creek Cyn, Mapleton

Activities: Basic Painting class where we focused on color and composition in a landscape in acrylic paint.

Painting Lesson:

- Thumbnail sketches with pencil and paper (keep things simple/composition)

- Cover canvas with light brown (burnt umber) mid tone

- Sketch landscape with brown paint (tones- put in lights/darks/leave midtone)

- Mix colors first on palate

- Add paint back to front of the scene or dark to light

- Keep it simple - don’t paint leaves, paint sections of color


How to keep paint moist while painting in the summer sun: 

  • Put a sheet of paper towel folded in a square onto a paper plate. Spray with spray water bottle 6-7 sprays on folded square of paper towl to make moist. Add your blobs of color, creating your palette.  Mist palette with water every 30 min or so.

  • Stay in the shade. 

  • Mix in with your paint Retarder or Acrylic Retarder. This slows the drying process of the paint. It looks like goopy Elmer’s glue but very effective to slow drying process and doesn’t affect the color of your paint. 

  • Brush on your canvas before you start a thin layer of Acrylic Retarder.

Priming a canvas

  • Before adding the acrylic retarder, we primed our canvases, meaning made them not stark white by covering them in a watered down burnt sienna. Main color of the painting was a cool green with all the trees.

  • Burnt sienna is the opposite color of cool green on the color wheel. By priming your canvas with the opposite base color of your painting, it makes getting colors correct easier than starting with a blank white canvas.

Bathrooms - east side of parkinglot

Cell Reception - patchy

Dogs - yes

Gear: chair, easel or additional chair, water bottle, acrylic paints, brushes, canvas board 8x11, paper towels (for cleaning brushes), paper plate or palate (for paint), plastic bag (for garbage), sunhat, sunscreen

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