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Cross Country Biathlon - Round Valley, Park City 2/3/24

Updated: May 14

Sample Itinerary:

Trailhead 10:00 am

Instruction - 10:15 am - 10:30 am

Ski Loop (with air soft option) - 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Directions: Highland Drive Trailhead, Round Valley, Park City


Cross country skiing/Biathlon Loop Course 1-2 miles. Half-way through loop will practice shooting airsoft rifles at targets.

Route - Start at Highland Drive Trailhead and go south on Silver Quinn. At the fork go right onto Round Valley Express. There is a trail post. Go between hills on both north and south sides of you. Continue to open metal gate. RV7 on map. There is a trail post. Here in the winter time there is a loop you can XC ski, hike or snowshoe. We went right on Big Easy. then took first left and it connected back to Round Valley Express and back to gate at RV7.  We used this hill bench berm as place to shoot Airsoft. There is not an Alltrails nor Gaia route for this. There is however this local Park City interactive trail guide you can check for current conditions. Use them for accurate intel. Note trailhead is located right off Hwy 40 at Round Valley. 

Just as a reference see the two maps below. Routes are highlighted in red, second map in yellow. 

Bathroom - Portapotty at trailhead

Cell Phone Reception - Yes

Dogs - yes


  • Check this site before heading out. Accurate conditions map

  • We brought our own Airsoft guns, paper targets and airsoft ammo. The targets we attached with clips to yard signs that go in the ground. 

  • Airsoft is allowed in these hills, however, there are a moderate amount of people on the trails and dogs. We didn’t want any injury nor surprise. 

  • Recommened (and for Mt Mamas will require) if close to a city that if doing Airsoft you contact the local Sheriff’s department. Let them know what you are doing. Ask for permission and let them know you will post mulitple signage stating who you are and that airsoft is happening so the Sheriff’s dept. doesn’t get a frantic call by someone thinking AK47s are going off in the hills when they are really Air soft guns. 

  • Summit County Sheriff Administration: 435-615-3500

    • Explain and they will connect you to a Sheriff to speak directly to who will call you. I was contacted on a private number by a Sheriff.

Gear: Cross-country skiis/poles/shoes (can rent), gaiters (optional - can

rent), (NO COTTON) thermal top and bottom (synthetic yoga pants), wool socks or

just not cotton socks, snow pants (if it will be snowing, otherwise they get too hot), long

sleeve fleece, light waterproof jacket, gloves, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, camelback

or regular back pack (with space remaining to shove clothes in when you get too

warm), 1 Liters water, 3-4 snacks +road trip snacks and such

Rentals: Cross country ski package ($11 BYU Outdoors Unlimited, $12 UVU)

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