Lindon or Utah Lake SP Marina - 5pm
Sailing and instruction - 5-730pm
Drive: Directions to the south launch ramp at Utah Lake State Park (4400 W Center St, Provo):
Drive straight in from the guard booth until you see the “tower building” and the sign that says South Launch Ramp turn left. You will turn left and drive by the first bay. You will then see a brick bathroom and the trailer full of boats to your right.
Sailing Dingy Boats - Instruction at shore picnic tables and then sailing practice in the marina cove (will not be out on the main lake). Lindon Marina website.
Two Locations:
Lindon Marina (4400 W Vineyard Rd, Orem) has a Tuesday evening special in the summer.
All boats (sailboats, kayaks, paddleboards, canoes, rowboats,) available from 5:30pm to sunset for $15/person with free parking. (Sailboats are normally $35/hour.) The marina provides life vests and beginner instruction if needed. Owner is Ron Madson, and Sea Scout leader that helps teach beginners is Jim Daniels.
Utah Lake State Park south launch ramp (4400 W Center St, Provo) (FREE group lessons)
https://sunfishsailingutah.com/ 801-636-1803 Jim Daniels – Sea Scout Leader
With groups of 6 to 12 people, the Sea Scouts will teach and help you learn to sail for free! Ages 8 and older (younger children with adult). Go to the website calendar https://sunfishsailingutah.com/ and choose a date that is empty. Call Jim and discuss the details.
Cost: Sunboat Sailboats- (FREE if you contact Jim Daniels and do his FREE lessons - he trailers them) otherwise, $35 first hour and $10 additional hour per sailboat (Sunfish, Laser, or Walker Bay) includes lifejackets (can use one boat for 2 people)
Parking - $15 (Utah Lake SP only) or a Utah State Parks pass
Tip your sailing assistant - $5
Gear: T-shirt, long sleeve fleece, light waterproof jacket, pants/shorts, swimming suit, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, 1-2 Liters water, 3-4 snacks, sandals, fanny pack for your car keys
Tips: Sailing Videos:
(Knowing all the info and terms is not required – it just provides some background.)
30 min video for beginners: https://asa.com/free-online-sailing-course/
2 min Sunfish intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvSHpXC6uxw
It’s good to know the sail, the mast, the boom, the line, and the tiller
You need to understand the “dead zone” (pointing into the wind) where the boat will stall
Two things about the sail:
(1) if your boat is tipping the sail is too tight – let the line loose (“when in doubt, let it out”)
(2) if you are going slow and the sail is “fluffing” – tighten the sail by tightening the