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Cross Country Ski - Millcreek Cyn 2/19/24

Updated: Mar 4


Trailhead - 10:00 am

Ski - 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Directions: Winter Gate, Millcreek Cyn (carpooling good at Olympus Cove park and ride)

Activity: Cross country skiing - skiing 1-4 mile out and back. Go as far as you wish on the snow-covered road. Gets steep after one mile. No cell or beacon reception. No bathrooms. Monitor Avalanche conditions.

Gear: Cross-country skis/poles/shoes (can rent), gaiters (optional - can rent), (NO COTTON) thermal top and bottom (synthetic yoga pants), wool socks or just not cotton socks, snow pants (if it will be snowing, otherwise they get too hot), long sleeves fleece, light waterproof jacket, gloves, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, camelback or regular back pack (with space remaining to shove clothes in when you get too warm), 1 Liters water, 3-4 snacks +road trip snacks and such

Rentals: Cross country ski package ($11 BYU Outdoors Unlimited, $12 UVU

Outdoor Adventure Center)

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