Sample Itinerary:
3:30 pm - Begin cooking/play/hike
5:30 pm - Dinner
7 pm - Done
Directions: Big Springs Hollow upper parking-lot, Provo Cyn. There are several pavillions in the area with benches and electricity. The highest one has water in a spigot. All have 2 grills.
Activity: Dutch Oven Cookoff -
Fill chimney 1/2-3/4 full easy-light briquettes, place paper towel under chimney and light. Briquettes should light and wait until briquettes are becoming white. Place amount under dutch oven. Put in food for cooking. Set on lid and place additional briquettes on top. Cook. Serve. Kids can go for a hike while waiting or play lawn games.
Bathrooms - yes
Cell Phone Reception - no
Dogs - yes
Gear: Dutch oven, charcoal chimney, lighter, paper towels/starter fluid, plates, cups, plastic ware, drinks, side dishes, lawn games