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Hiking - Dark Trail 11/9/21

Directions - Dark Trail, Settlement Canyon, Tooele, Utah - Summertime Trailhead ; Winter Trailhead (gate closes at parking lot - adds an additional mile or you can just hike that mile which is a nice trail too)

Activity -

Hiking Dark Trail - 4.5+ miles out and back. In the winter/fall, the gate to the canyon closes. Park at the parking lot and take the road down a few minutes and then turn right onto a dirt trail. This will braid a few times, but stay on the narrowest trail and keep the road to your left. After a mile, it joins the Dark Trail trailhead from the summer. The trail continues on and the road turns to dirt. Continue another 1.5 miles. You can explore a side canyon about 1 mile from the summer trailhead as well. Trail Report.

Gear - Hiking pants, synthetic T-shirt, long sleeve synthetic top, long sleeve fleece, light waterproof jacket, hat, headlamp, winter hat, gloves, sunscreen, camelback or regular back pack with waist belt, 2 Liters water, 4 snacks, first aid kit, hiking boots/running shoes, trekking poles (optional), ice cleats (optional).

Sample Itinerary -

Hike - 200-5:00 pm

Winter Trailhead

Summer Trailhead

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