Local forest hike that follows the creek. Large beautiful pines and the calming sounds of water. Small pond. Look out for beaver dams as you make log river crossings.
Directions - Springville 400 S. Exit. Follow east. Roundabout 1st right then into Hobble Creek Canyon. After the golf course, see fork in road and choose right. Pass Balsam Campground. Trailhead is at the end of the paved road. Once dirt begins you have gone too far.
Activity -
Hiking Wardsworth Canyon - Rated easy as we will not do the full 10 mi. loop and trail is fairly flat. Out and back.
Gear - Hiking pants, synthetic T-shirt, long sleeve synthetic top, fleece, light waterproof jacket(optional), hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, gloves, camelback or regular back pack with waist belt, 1.5 Liter water, 1-2 snacks, first aid kit, hiking boots/running shoes, ice cleats (optional depending on weather but probably not).
Sample Itinerary -
Hike - 9:30-11:30 am
Home - around Noon