Great place for kids to play in the sand and climb on red rocks. It's like a little piece of Moab up Spanish fork cyn

Sample Itinerary:
9-10:30 am - Hike
Directions: Red Ledges Picnic Area, Spanish Fk Cyn
Activity: Hiking Red Ledges - 0.5 mile wander on many trails in this little piece of Moab in Spanish Fk Cyn. Lots of areas for scrambling and exploring. Littles can play in the sand. Don't miss the arch towering above you north east of the parking area. You can hike behind it for a view through the arch. Several picnic tables available. No water. Utah Adventure Family Trip Report
WARNING - Rattlesnakes have been spotted behind the arch.
Great place for rappelling as well
Bathrooms - yes
Cell Reception - spotty
Dogs - yes
Gear: 1 L water, snacks, hiking shoes, shorts/T-shirt, long sleeve, rain jacket, sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, backpack
Red ledges picnic area - just wondering around no specific distance. bathrooms - yes
Cell phone - partial
Dogs - yes